Microsoft brings OpenXR to Windows Mixed Reality for cross-platform virtual reality

Microsoft has just added the OpenXR standard to its Windows Mixed Reality devices, which aims to make it easier to port virtual reality apps and games between platforms.Virtual reality has a lot of potential, but the number of different platforms and hardware makes things complicated – especially with certain games being exclusive to different devices. For example, Robo Recall is only available on the Oculus Rift. If you’re a HTC Vive owner, then there’s no official way to play that game – though there are a few fiddly workarounds. It could also potentially make it possible to use different headsets with different platforms, for example using the PlayStation VR headset on a PC. OpenXR is an open and royalty-free platform standard that includes an API (application programming interface) that allows developers to create their apps so that they run on applications such as SteamVR and Google Daydream, and a device layer which allows virtual reality devices to display and interact with the application.


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