The FCC has been working hard to build upon their closed captioning rules for IP video programming. A flurry of updates and regulations recently took effect and many more are one the way. This brief will provide you with a compilation of all the FCC's recent updates, as well as resources for compliance.


United Talent Agency

United Talent Agency is one of the entertainment industry's premier talent and literary agencies, representing many of the world's most widely-known figures in every current and emerging area of entertainment, including motion pictures, television, books, music, digital media and live entertainment.

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whitePaper | October 10, 2022

Retail media networks (RMNs) are at a pivotal moment in their growth. In the last two years, advertiser investment in these platforms has surged, and marketing industry analysts predict growth to continue in the near term. While RMNs offer multiple benefits—including the ability to deliver highly targeted messages that connect with consumers at the point of purchase—they also have significant challenges. Among the largest: no industry-wide standardization.

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Benchmarking Diversity and Inclusion in Media and Entertainment: The Audience Representation Index

whitePaper | March 8, 2022

Stories help us learn, dream and build common understanding within and across cultures. Media and entertainment companies are our modern storytellers, creating and distributing shared experiences that can bring us together. We, the audience, judge progress – whether we see ourselves portrayed and how, and whether companies are creating communities and leading conversations. To help media and entertainment leaders to understand where the gaps in representation exist today and what the stakes are, the World Economic Forum is proud to share a firstof-its-kind cross-media sector index that measures audience perceptions of representation.

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Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Predictions 2020

whitePaper | December 13, 2019

MANY PEOPLE MAY be familiar with the frustration of calling up their smartphone’s speech-to-text function to dictate an email, only to find that it won’t work because the phone isn’t connected to the internet. Now, a new generation of edge artificial intelligence (AI) chips is set to reduce those frustrations by bringing the AI to the device.

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Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) HDD Technology

whitePaper | October 15, 2022

Data volumes generated by cloud services, video/video analytics, 5G-connected workloads, and mega digital platforms have created an almost unlimited opportunity in which data that is properly stored and analyzed may be the basis for valuable business insight and digital business transformation possibilities.

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A whole new world? Exploring the metaverse and what it could mean for you

whitePaper | April 6, 2022

Remember when the first smartphones were launched without a keyboard? Many people wondered whether they would ever take off. But in just a few years, smartphones changed the experience of the internet for billions1 of people and enabled new business models that transformed transportation, hospitality, food delivery, personal entertainment, social interaction, and more.

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Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Beyond the Hype

whitePaper | June 7, 2022

In recent years, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), entities that use blockchains, digital assets and related technologies to direct resources, coordinate activities and make decisions, have experienced explosive growth. According to the analytics service DeepDAO, in 2021 the total value of DAO treasuries surged fortyfold, from $400 million to $16 billion, and the number of DAO participants increased by 130 times from 13,000 to 1.6 million.1 As DAO innovation has largely been led by the private sector and DAOs are being developed for an increasingly wide variety of purposes, it is critical that policy-makers, regulators and senior executives develop a nuanced understanding of these entities

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United Talent Agency

United Talent Agency is one of the entertainment industry's premier talent and literary agencies, representing many of the world's most widely-known figures in every current and emerging area of entertainment, including motion pictures, television, books, music, digital media and live entertainment.
