Dolby Atmos Music - from your studio to the world

Learn from Dolby’s Ceri Thomas as he addresses many of the questions that have come up in his webinar series on how Dolby Atmos Music is created. The goal of this session is to show you some of the tools and techniques that a number of the artists and mixers who've been working in Dolby Atmos have been using. This is not meant to be prescriptive but instead to just give you an idea of how you might address the questions that come up as you work to release your Dolby Atmos Music to the world.
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Going Beyond the Listener: Accessible Audio for Podcasting

Recently, three major podcast providers were sued for lack of accessibility, raising awareness for a much-needed discussion around making podcasts universally accessible. Spoiler alert: it takes more than just adding a transcript.In this webinar, Nic Steenhout, host of A11y Rules and a web accessibility consultant, will share his expert tips and tricks for hosting an inclusive podcast, and why it matters for a better listener experience.
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Inclusive Design in XR and Beyond

They have 20 years experience building digital products for web, mobile, game platforms, and beyond. They center their approach around understanding and removing barriers, using their expertise and experience in digital accessibility, inclusive design, and neurodiversity. They support organizations large and small to build better products and services. They've worked with leading brands, such as BBC, Apple, HSBC, Sky, and many more. And with that, I will hand it over to Jamie, who has a wonderful presentation prepared for all of you. Jamie, take it away.
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AR & VR Marketing: Uncover new ways to connect with your audience


Grabbing the attention of your audience has never been more difficult. Brands and agencies are embracing new immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to cut through the white noise to reach and connect with their customers. Watch our expert-led webinar to understand how real-time 3D can help you create gorgeous bleeding-edge experiences, stay at the forefront of innovation, and drive high consumer engagement with new advertising formats. In this webinar, you will: Learn how to use AR and VR to connect with your audience in a way that activates their emotions and creates positive brand association.
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Facing Measurement Challenges in Online Video?


With more than 1.3 Billion videos uploaded in 2017 garnering Trillions of views, there’s no question that online video is growing rapidly and here to stay. There’s also no question that in this war for eyeballs, there’ll be real winners and losers. If you are a data analyst for a broadcast company, media publisher or brand, you’re tasked with extracting and analyzing your company’s video data, setting benchmarks, and advising your video strategists on what’s working, what trends to look for, and how to stay ahead of the competition.
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