Now you can tie game performance to granular features and game attributes

Used by leading game publishers to create winning, data-driven mobile strategies, App Annie Game IQ provides the most sophisticated game genre classification and deep Feature Tags available in the market.
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Videoscape Europe: The Why Behind The Watch

Whip Media

To succeed in the entertainment industry today, strategies need to transform from being content-centric to consumer-centric. With the viewer now in the driver’s seat, how do you predict and select the titles that will attract, retain and engage your customers in the midst of so much competition? For Buyers, you need to identify content that will balance out your portfolio, expand into new markets or increase user retention. For Sellers, you need to identify the best audiences for your content that will enable you to optimize your distribution strategies.
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Gaming in 2032: what does the future hold?

M&As, consolidations, and how the video game landscape is changing Gaming as one of pop culture’s biggest influences today Advertising, gaming, metaverse, and how it all impacts players
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IP Licensing in the Entertainment World and Beyond


Because the development of Intellectual Property (IP) is commonly one of the most important and valuable assets of a new and emerging businesses, it is important for startups to understand one of the most significant means of monetizing their IP assets -- licensing. This course will help entrepreneurs and small businesses better understand the different types of IP and how best to exploit IP through licensing. We will cover the business and legal dynamics of IP licensing as it applies to the entertainment business.While large multi-media and entertainment conglomerates may have been the first to successfully leverage IP assets, now even small businesses can find ways to utilize their trademarks and copyrights to drive their successful brand development.
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What about identifying the audio speaker, and when they said a certain word? Or locating that keyword or entity in text streams? Obtaining this type of insight has historically required manual, costly, and time-consuming file review–until now. Snowflake and Veritone have partnered to bring best-of-breed data mining capabilities to your audio, video, and text data. Snowflake users can now easily extract these difficult-to-mine data sources with Veritone to digitally transform content-centric processes and uncover new data insights.
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