Gravitas Ventures
Gravitas Ventures, a Red Arrow Studios company, specializes in the aggregation of entertainment content by connecting independent filmmakers, producers, and distribution companies with leading cable, satellite, telco and online distribution partners. In the last five years, Gravitas has released more than 2,000 films on Video on Demand (VOD). Through its relationships with studios and VOD operators, Gravitas can distribute a film into over 100 million North American and 1 billion worldwide homes.While VOD is increasingly important right now, the ability to enjoy films in this manner has actually been around for a decade. CEO Nolan Gallagher founded Gravitas Ventures in 2006 after having the good fortune to help shape VOD strategies for the largest North American cable operator (Comcast), and a major studio (Warner Bros). With a simple mission to deliver ideas to the digital market, Nolan recognized that Gravitas could build a bridge between excellent independent films and consumer frie