Belgian technologies for Sports & Entertainment

Belgium-based companies are trusted contributors to the successful organization of major international sporting events, such as the Olympic Games, the FIFA World Cup and the UEFA European Football Championship. The main reason? Their deep know-how and advanced technologies have, in past decades, extensively proven their worth in numerous of sporting events the world over.


Participant Media

Participant Media is the leading media company dedicated to entertainment that inspires and compels social change. Founded in 2004 by Jeff Skoll, Participant’s content combines the power of a good story well told with opportunities for real world impact and awareness around the most pressing global issues of our time. Participant’s more than 75 films, including "Spotlight," "Contagion," "Lincoln," "The Help," "He Named Me Malala," "The Look of Silence," "CITIZENFOUR," "Food, Inc.," and "An Inconvenient Truth," have collectively earned.

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Customer Loyalty Report

whitePaper | April 1, 2021

Customer retention is important to every business, but loyalty is hard won – especially when a single bad customer experience can be broadcast to other consumers in just a few clicks. For the first time, Brandwatch has partnered with GWI to combine both our data sources and expertise to answer some of the big questions around customer advocacy and detraction for retailers.

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DHL white paper update reveals learnings from one year into COVID-19

whitePaper | May 1, 2021

It has been more than a year since the world woke up to the news of the new SARS-COV-2 virus. What followed was the largest global health crisis in 100 years. The disruptions to every aspect of society have been profound. Logistics and supply chain management have played a vital role in pandemic management right from the start to ensure the availability and distribution of key pandemic management tools: medicines and medical supplies, such as vaccines, test kits, ancillary supplies, treatments, and personal protective equipment (PPE). With over 200 million doses of all approved vaccines distributed to over 120 countries and 9,000 operated flights in which more than 350 DHL facilities were involved, DHL was part of the response strategy from the beginning.

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full-service streaming solutions - Broadley Studio

whitePaper | February 12, 2020

Video is now an essential part of any marketing or communications strategy. It can raise conversion rates, generate leads, build engagement with your brand and help customers make purchasing decisions. To help get your company noticed you need original and unique content. It is widely accepted that the vast majority of viewers find live video content more engaging than pre-recorded, highlighting the need for brands and communicators to look to Live Streaming as a tool to communicate to their audiences. More attention is paid to content if it’s actually taking place at the same time they are viewing it, especially if there is the facility to interact.

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2019 U.S. Music Consumption Year End Report

whitePaper | January 31, 2020

As a result of consumers continuing to move more towards streaming music, ondemand stream consumption now represents 85% of all music consumption in the United States; a 7.6-point jump over 2018 (77%). On-demand audio stream consumption in 2019 set a record high with 705 billion streams, up 32% over 2018’s 534.6 billion audio streams. While album sales and song sales continued to decline, 23% and 26% respectively, vinyl album sales in 2019 experienced another double-digit growth year; up 10.5% over 2018. The 2019 BuzzAngle U.S. music report is filled with many more stats on all forms of consumption. We hope you enjoy this year’s report and we welcome your feedback.

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sensorium whitepaper

whitePaper | March 19, 2021

Virtual reality is a product of technology and content synergy that is set to bring the identity of perception of the virtual and real worlds, known as Singularity Effect, for the Entertainment Industry customers. The industry, betting on the technological component of VR, could not provide users with the necessary format and quality of VR content in a timely manner.

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ARC Whitepaper

whitePaper | January 1, 2023

The development of Web3 has traditionally been a slow and tedious process. It’s plagued by communication problems between technical and non-technical team members. Moreover, web3 (not unlike web2) is littered with malicious and bad actors exploiting seemingly unavoidable security flaws and oversights. ARC’s development ecosystem offers solutions for speed, cost, scalability, and security. ARC achieves this through our suite of tools that make product development and deployment easier and more secure, each in its own unique way. Our development ecosystem not only streamlines the way web3 applications get developed but also has far-reaching implications on the way data gets managed across the web.

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Participant Media

Participant Media is the leading media company dedicated to entertainment that inspires and compels social change. Founded in 2004 by Jeff Skoll, Participant’s content combines the power of a good story well told with opportunities for real world impact and awareness around the most pressing global issues of our time. Participant’s more than 75 films, including "Spotlight," "Contagion," "Lincoln," "The Help," "He Named Me Malala," "The Look of Silence," "CITIZENFOUR," "Food, Inc.," and "An Inconvenient Truth," have collectively earned.
