May 30, 2019

Centralize the experience of your music with your mobile app. Within the mobile app, we integrate all your existing music marketing, music sales, and music promotion resources. Instead of trying to communicate through different platforms when people are already stuck on their favorites, you can simply say, “Get Our App!” Not only can you streamline everything with this new media technology, you also open up new avenues of direct communication.


Los Angeles Film School

The Los Angeles Film School is a creative, media arts college, offering accredited Bachelor of Science degrees in Animation & VFX, Entertainment Business and Graphic Design, and Associate of Science degrees in Audio Production, Music Production and Film. Located in the center of Hollywood, California, the college’s campus is comprised of 4 buildings, including the historic RCA building and Ivar Theatre, and boasts industry-standard sound stages, labs, dubbing stages, studios, a green screen and theatres, including a THX®-certified, RealD 3D®, 340-seat Main Theatre.

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whitePaper | October 10, 2022

Retail media networks (RMNs) are at a pivotal moment in their growth. In the last two years, advertiser investment in these platforms has surged, and marketing industry analysts predict growth to continue in the near term. While RMNs offer multiple benefits—including the ability to deliver highly targeted messages that connect with consumers at the point of purchase—they also have significant challenges. Among the largest: no industry-wide standardization.

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With Virtual Reality to noticeably better training effects

whitePaper | May 28, 2021

In times of a shortage of skilled workers, the ongoing training of one‘s own employees has a decisively competitive advantage. However, conducting seminars on-site, sometimes lasting several weeks, is a noticeable financial burden especially for companies with several locations. Virtual Reality offers a practical solution here: the technology not only increases the feasibility of training and further education programs, but also helps to improve the memorability and internalization of the imparted knowledge - in favor of more efficient employee development and a faster ROI.

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ARC Whitepaper

whitePaper | January 1, 2023

The development of Web3 has traditionally been a slow and tedious process. It’s plagued by communication problems between technical and non-technical team members. Moreover, web3 (not unlike web2) is littered with malicious and bad actors exploiting seemingly unavoidable security flaws and oversights. ARC’s development ecosystem offers solutions for speed, cost, scalability, and security. ARC achieves this through our suite of tools that make product development and deployment easier and more secure, each in its own unique way. Our development ecosystem not only streamlines the way web3 applications get developed but also has far-reaching implications on the way data gets managed across the web.

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PlayFuel: Fueling the Gaming Industry

whitePaper | December 17, 2019

PlayFuel brings the power of blockchain technology to the gaming world. We are doing this by creating a platform that allows developers to earn funding by integrating PlayFuel into their games and allowing players to mine PLF — crypto-tokens just by playing. Players can use these tokens to buy games, redeem exclusive goodies or even exchange the tokens into real money. Developers can gain funding through gamers who purchase PLF and invest in the development of their games. Investors get access to beta testing, exclusive in-game items, and will be one of the first users to be given access to the actual game.

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Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) HDD Technology

whitePaper | October 15, 2022

Data volumes generated by cloud services, video/video analytics, 5G-connected workloads, and mega digital platforms have created an almost unlimited opportunity in which data that is properly stored and analyzed may be the basis for valuable business insight and digital business transformation possibilities.

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Successful Onboarding with Virtual Reality

whitePaper | June 1, 2021

In order to give new colleagues the best possible start in their professional life and to enable them to work efficiently and unerringly right from the start, it often requires numerous meetings, on-the-job training courses, compliance training and safety briefings. This is not only costly and time-consuming, but also causes a lot of downtime. What if all this information were available in a single, comprehensive package that would enable new employees to learn almost independently? With Virtual Reality, exactly that is possible.

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Los Angeles Film School

The Los Angeles Film School is a creative, media arts college, offering accredited Bachelor of Science degrees in Animation & VFX, Entertainment Business and Graphic Design, and Associate of Science degrees in Audio Production, Music Production and Film. Located in the center of Hollywood, California, the college’s campus is comprised of 4 buildings, including the historic RCA building and Ivar Theatre, and boasts industry-standard sound stages, labs, dubbing stages, studios, a green screen and theatres, including a THX®-certified, RealD 3D®, 340-seat Main Theatre.
