Technologies, Virtualization

Exploring the metaverse and the digital future

February 15, 2022

Exploring the metaverse and
The GSMA is a global organisation unifying the mobile ecosystem to discover, develop and deliver innovation foundational to positive business environments and societal change. Our vision is to unlock the full power of connectivity so that people, industry and society thrive. Representing mobile operators and organisations across the mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries, the GSMA delivers for its members across three broad pillars: Connectivity for Good, Industry Services and Solutions, and Outreach


Media 5 SRL

Since the early 90's our company develop Broadcast systems for TV Stations , radio stations and production companies. Developing robust systems that combine the use of multimedia and the best technology available. Integrating as a solution to several audio and video applications.We applied the same policy to the rest of the products that were developed by us, which also adds efficiency, simplicity and broadcast quality to the works done in the stations.

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Streaming’s complex consumer Understanding streaming DNAthrough cross-platform insights

whitePaper | April 20, 2022

Today, more than 40% of consumers subscribe to three or more video streaming services. Despite growing choice, it has become a complex and time-consuming process for consumers to find the content they want. As we explored in Streaming’s Next Act1 scattered recommendation algorithms lead to incomplete or inaccurate recommendations, often irrelevant content, and hence, frustration for many consumers.

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5G cloud gaming

whitePaper | August 24, 2022

North American communications service providers have invested substantially in 5G networks to enable multiple use cases, leveraging capabilities like network slicing and edge computing. As service providers seek to monetize 5G in the short term, cloud gaming, the technology that allows subscribers to play games anywhere and from any device, presents a new and exciting opportunity to drive revenue growth.

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Scanity HDR- high dynamic range film scanner

whitePaper | May 20, 2021

Scanning normal colour negative images for post-production and visual effects using modern high-end technology allows users to capture the dynamic range of the colour negative. Film archives, however, typically manage large volumes of historic images, and require specialist equipment which enables the capture of an even greater dynamic range. This is particularly important when managing black and white (B&W) recorded images on either print or negative stocks which have a high dynamic range (HDR). Traditionally, HDR scanning.

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The state of augmented and virtual reality

whitePaper | January 17, 2022

Virtual reality first permeated the ether through science fiction tales, television serials and movies. From the 1950s and even earlier, creative minds introduced us to virtual worlds beyond our wildest imagination even though the supporting technology was considered light years away. But with the release of the latest devices smartphones, glasses, headsets and more paired with superhuman supporting technology and content, augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) are intersecting with real life. This whole new ecosystem promises to offer a different lens in how we see and interact with our world whether at work, home or on the go.

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whitePaper | January 8, 2020

Immersive media delivered as virtual reality (VR),full 360°I 180" video streaming and VR commerce can be embedded into the lifestyle of digital consumers. Digital technologies break barriers between consumer platforms and pave the way for applications across media and entertainment, telecommunications, sports, retail, and education. Incumbent telco’s and media companies are exploring innovative methods to adopt immersive technol09 es and grow the r business.

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Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Predictions 2020

whitePaper | December 13, 2019

MANY PEOPLE MAY be familiar with the frustration of calling up their smartphone’s speech-to-text function to dictate an email, only to find that it won’t work because the phone isn’t connected to the internet. Now, a new generation of edge artificial intelligence (AI) chips is set to reduce those frustrations by bringing the AI to the device.

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Media 5 SRL

Since the early 90's our company develop Broadcast systems for TV Stations , radio stations and production companies. Developing robust systems that combine the use of multimedia and the best technology available. Integrating as a solution to several audio and video applications.We applied the same policy to the rest of the products that were developed by us, which also adds efficiency, simplicity and broadcast quality to the works done in the stations.
