Accessibility in the Virtual/Augmented Reality Space

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) is one of the hottest topics in technology right now. One of the challenges that any new technology faces is making the technology accessible to persons with disabilities.Though everyone has probably heard of its applications to video games and other entertainment, VR/AR has many uses in fields such as healthcare and hospitality. Jessie Haugh (Hall) and Loren Mikola of Level Access will walk you through the basics of VR/AR and its accessibility concerns.
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Understanding the AR/VR Market and Suppliers


Given the pace of technological and social change, we are in the midst of a transformation in the way we interact with computing machines. Augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies are enabling engagement with data in three dimensions and changing the way that learning and training are done. Government agencies, in many ways, are leading the way as this emerging tech is providing ways to improve efficiency and accuracy.
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Intelligent Learning – Virtual and Augmented Reality Applied


For years, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have been widely used in the gaming and marketing industries. As the technology advances, more and more uses are surfacing, and other industries are looking to capitalize on its applications and benefits. Learning is the next big industry that is starting to see the value of this technology.Join us for this complimentary Training Industry webinar, sponsored by Conduent. Your host, Barbara Farley, senior director at the Global Competency Center for Conduent Learning Services, will explore the best practice for effectively integrating these new technologies into your learning initiatives to stay at the peak of learner engagement.
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Leverage Digital Media to Build Your Brand


Experienced meeting and event professionals know having maximum impact on the bottom line of an organization means increasing revenue. Leveraging digital media is the fastest and often most effective way to do this both inside and outside the organization.Join award winning speaker and digital media strategist Phil Gerbyshak as he shares his insights on how to build your brand in a meaningful way using digital media in ways you didn’t know were available for even the smallest and largest of companies.
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Trends in Game Streaming and Multiplayer Gaming

Gaming and Game Streaming have seen rapid growth in recent times. While this provides tremendous opportunities, it also comes with the challenge of creating more engaging and interactive digital experiences.In this webinar, you’ll learn how you can revolutionize gamers interaction and turn your game streaming & multiplayer gaming into a social experience
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