Trends in Virtual and Augmented Reality

Does virtual reality finally have an invitation to the customers’ home? CEDIA veteran volunteer Rich Green will shed light on the trends emerging in the VR market today. We’ll get you up to speed on the evolution of VR, hardware on the market today and application potential and challenges. If you’re interested to see how VR may shape experiences at home, please register for this free, one hour webinar.
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Get the Latest Big Stats for Online Video


There has been a seismic shift in the world of video creation & consumption, and choosing the right strategy for your video distribution, and marketing campaigns is more critical than ever. But what are the key trends to follow, and what is the role of media companies in the new video ecosystem? How can brands and media companies keep up with the latest insights, trends, and new data? Watch our free, recorded webinar and get the latest stats for online video from top industry thought-leaders.
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Driving the Dollars for Digital Gaming


Big changes in gaming have created new opportunities and challenges for monetising content. From social gaming to some of the biggest over-the-counter titles, there is a range of strategies for generating revenue. We look at the nascent arcade market in the 1970s and the linear progression ever since to today’s 7th generation of games. Gaming has moved on from Pong, but the basics remain the same as new releases generate peaks in revenue. Gaming was bigger than the music and movie industries in 1982 and the gap has widened. With more ways to connect and play, there are more ways to pay. We look at the different models and how everyone with a smartphone or tablet is now a gamer.
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Drive New Business and Social Media


You know you should be on social media for your business or non-profit. You know it can help you drive more new and repeat business for your organization. But, do you know why? Do you know which social media platform will have the biggest bang for your buck? And when you start your profile, do you know what to say and how to grow your following? This session will answer all of those questions and more.
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Strata: See your marketing through augmented reality


In the past we've highlighted augmented reality as one of the hot KPI's of the future. Well, that future is now. The technology that is needed is sitting in your hands today with your current Android or iOS smartphones providing a brand new way for organizations engage with their customers.This is not your typical Tableau webinar. You’ll hear from one of the leading content creators and Tableau partner, Strata, for virtual reality and augmented reality, on why this new platform is so important.
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