The media and advertising sector is facing a number of trends that are increasing the importance of third-party data, including the launches of new streaming services, changes to data privacy governance, and deprecation of third-party cookies.

Traditional methods of data collaboration require providers to share data for it to be used by other businesses. This often leaves the most sensitive data and potentially valuable data out of reach. And, the data you can access requires time-intensive data ingestion infrastructure, resulting in delayed time to utilization.

Tune in to this webinar to hear from Warner Music Group, Hightouch, and Snowflake on best practices for data collaboration in advertising, media, and entertainment,
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Quadro RTX – Revolutionizing Media and Entertainment Workflows


Join us for a live webinar to learn how the new NVIDIA Turing™ architecture and powerful NVIDIA Quadro RTX™ GPUs fundamentally alters the technological and economic landscape for professional media and entertainment (M&E) workflows. Learn how Turing fuses real-time ray tracing, AI, simulation, and rasterization to open up amazing creative possibilities.
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Now you can tie game performance to granular features and game attributes

Used by leading game publishers to create winning, data-driven mobile strategies, App Annie Game IQ provides the most sophisticated game genre classification and deep Feature Tags available in the market.
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Powering Breakthrough Technologies with NVIDIA Quadro RTX


In an increasingly competitive marketplace, manufacturing and design teams have to grapple with a number of challenges, such as time to market, cost reduction and unique product innovation. To meet these challenges, a range of new technologies are converging to change the way products are created altogether. These include developments such as real-time ray tracing, virtual reality, real-time engineering simulation, and artificial intelligence (AI). To power these breakthrough technologies engineers and architects must have the best computing tools at their disposal. In this webinar, you will learn about NVIDIA Quadro RTX graphic cards and how they bring these emerging technologies to the desktop.
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OTT Affluents: the new golden age of video & content


The world of television is experiencing unprecedented disruption, change and growth with new platforms, channels and providers of video and content being introduced almost daily. Join Ipsos for a complimentary webinar featuring findings from our recent Affluent study exploring the many dimensions of OTT/streaming attitudes, dispositions and behavior. We also identify the group of consumers who are leading the way – the “OTT Affluencers” who represent the forefront of video and content consumption.
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