Winning and Retaining OTT Customers

The emergence of OTT is outpacing cable and is expected to reach 1.2 billion viewers by 2017, which has media giants moving to adopt the benefits of OTT. For companies looking to launch an OTT strategy, this presents an enormous market opportunity.Watch Colin Dixon, Founder and Chief Analyst at nScreenMedia, and Vindicia’s SVP and monetization industry expert Kris Nagel as they delve into the essentials for a successful subscription-based business. Drawing on details from Vimeo, Next Issue Media, and others, they show how to drive greater subscriber loyalty and significant revenue uplift.
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The Future of the Television Business: View From the Top

While the business of television – how shows get made, distributed and marketed – continues to evolve with the major streaming services playing a significant role, cable and broadcast television combined continues to be the dominant form of viewership with the average American spending 4 hours and 49 minutes watching TV each day (Nielsen).
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AR for Marketers: Practical Ways to Make Augmented Reality a Part of Your Marketing


Everyone talking about Augmented Reality in print, and this year, the U.S. Postal Service is again offering discounts for marketers to integrate this fast-evolving technology in their direct mail. Join Cindy Walas as she discusses the latest developments in Augmented Reality, and focuses on the “How-To’s” involved in creating and launching a successful AR program in your printed marketing materials.
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Immersive Media—A New Frontier Powered by Virtual and Augmented Reality


The current landscape of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies and how they map with specific near-term marketing and advertising opportunities. Consumer attitudes about using immersive media, as well estimates of current and future adoption. Key technological, creative and distribution challenges that need to be considered when leveraging immersive media. The long-term potential of using VR and AR for marketing and advertising experiences that go well beyond 360-degree video.
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Google, Adobe Share Their Video Accessibility Strategies


As online video becomes the primary medium for disseminating information across the Internet, publishers face legal and ethical pressures to make video accessible for people with hearing impairments and other disabilities.In this webinar, Google and Adobe will discuss how their video platforms are changing the landscape of accessibility through better tools, technologies, best practices, and education. They will also discuss their internal accessibility strategies and how they are impacted by accessibility laws, HTML5, and the proliferation of mobile devices.
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